For a cleaner life!
Girov - Neamt
The harmless landfill from Girov belongs to the project "Integrated management system of waste in Neamt County", financed by the Sectorial Operational Environment Programme 2007-2013, Prioritary axis 2,"Development of Integrated Management Systems of Waste and rehabilitation of historical contaminated sites"
Beginning with March, 2019, the administrative services of the landfill will be managed by South Eco S. A., observing the highest standards of quality, in accordance with the regulations of European Community and Romanian legislation in force, as well as in close correlation with the security and protection of environment.
The harmless landfill of Girov serves the households of all Neamt County, namely, approximately 575.857 inhabitants.
Girov landfill has a whole surface of 27 ha. and a capacity of 4.000.000 m3, of which only Cell 1 has a capacity of 980.000 m3 being achieved by SMID Neamt project.
The active surfaces (meant for deposit/storage) afferent to cells are the following:
- Cell 1=65.530 square metes(estimated life living 5 years) ;
- Cell 2 = 75.700 mp square metes(estimated life living 9 years) ;
- Cell 3 = 54.100 mp square metes(estimated life living 7 years)